March 17, 2011


Here's a sketch of a character that I was working on who, come to think of it, looks like what I imagine a Leprechaun might look like. I post it here in honor of my Irish great grandmother, Clara, who was kicked out of her family for marrying a Protestant :-o !
Families...ya gotta love 'em.  Happy St. P.'s Day!


  1. Well that evens things up as my grandmother got kicked out of her family for marrying a Catholic! This is a sweet character in her less than usual loveliness. I can see her with a bit of fearfulness or else impishness as regards the world.

  2. Yes, they kicked my grandfaather out, too! gotta love it. I like your version of the leprechaun. this little one looks like she's got a lot on her mind...maybe thinking about her pot of gold!


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