June 21, 2011

Illustration Friday - "Launch"


  1. Hello Elizabeth:
    Encapsulated within this drawing is a complete, slightly manic [dare we say?] character. The kind of person who, and in our view very foolishly, believes, unthinkingly, that nothing will get the better of him. And so, here he is, once more about to go headlong, literally in this instance, towards the next calamity, most likely uttering the words, "Jolly good show!".

    You, we are certain, are much more measured!

    The detail, as always, down to the wild flower clinging to the cliff side, is wonderfully executed and deliciously suggestive.

  2. I think this wild flower positioned clinging to the cliff tells us that all will be well. This odd man has lame legs but his arms look strong. He will make a splendid dive in a beautiful blue sea right beneath the cliff. He will be able to swim and his friends will carry him to the top of the cliff again. Yes, stubborn he is...but he needs to have a feeling of flying ones in a while.
    Am I right? ;-)

  3. I like the flower clinging to the cliff too! The wind seems to be blowing the man's scarf as though it is also promising to lift up the man as he goes over the cliff.

  4. hehehe! thats so cool! I love his expression, his cold red nose, and his enthusiasm for the imminent take-off!

  5. So fun! Makes my finger tips and toes itch imagining the what's gonna happen as he reaches the edge!

  6. So much movement and joy that I cannot quite believe in disaster!

  7. I like this! My mother always jokes that when she gets to old for this world, she expects me to push her wheelchair off a mountain somewhere. But then, this guy looks very much full of life - I wonder what is at the bottom of the hill. No pushing him anywhere!

  8. The flower caught my attention too. Funny how such a small thing can make all the difference. Nice job!

  9. i think he knows something we don't. love it!

  10. You're back!

    I must say this illustration is quite inspiring to me. I love the expression on his face-- one of utter child-like assurance that, if we created it, it must fly!

  11. i love everything about this drawing! very nice.

  12. This makes me nervous!
    Nice work. :)

  13. Excellent!! I like it so much!

  14. I love his expression! Complete confidence! (oh, to be he!)

  15. I love this - I think I've met this man! :)

  16. Wow! He's scaring me! Great illustration.

  17. Oh my gosh---I hope he's in for a soft landing!

  18. Love this - so much implied movement from your lines. And I love that you didn't overwork he cliff...he simple line says it all. There's something about the wonderful striped clothing you draw...it's elegant and whimsical at the same time!

  19. Gorgeous, gorgeous illustration, Elizabeth. This piece really made me smile. I know the launch is imminent..the suspense is killing me! Keep up the great work and many thanks for your lovely visit recently..it means a lot!

  20. It's a great effect when we know something is about to happen.Love the simplicity in colour and line.

  21. This one really cracked me up! Very simple yet spot on...well done, Elizabeth! :D

  22. Looks like he's about to have some fun and he's very excited about it! The little flower on the edge of the cliff is precious.
    xo J~

  23. that face is too much! I just love it....this made me smil!

  24. This is fantastically creative & draws the viewer right into the moment! Well-done!!!

  25. Oh, this is so timely for me as I'm launching into animation! I'll do my best to channel this fellow's blithe spirit as I sail off into the Flash abyss...

    Simply wonderful illo.

  26. your line quality is beautiful!

  27. he's great, the way he is getting ready for take off! i love how there are always these small details in your illustrations!!

  28. Nice illo. Looks as though it could all end in bruises....

  29. How could I miss this one!! This is really funny! Really good illustration.
    Thanks for stopping by and leaving some nice words on my blog.

  30. “Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul.”

    You just love those red & white stripes Elizabeth. Wonderful stuff!


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