May 20, 2013

A Trip to France

My friend Anita has one of the most visually pretty blogs going, Castles Crowns and Cottages -- it never fails to soothe the senses and her message is always thoughtful and uplifting   Every year she runs a "link party" focusing on all things French.  Since I am such a fan of hers, I decided to give it a "go" this year.
BUT, this little message is the extent of my participation, since I am trying to limit my screen time this week because of a little medical issue with my eye (corneal tear -- the rippy kind, not the drippy kind ;)  :(  ). The good news is, it's on the mend (gallons of eye drops  etc.) but, as I mentioned, I am trying to minimize total screen time.
So, dear blog friends, I hope you will take a moment to take a trip to France via Anita, her beautiful blog, and her fellow blog friends! Enjoy!  Merci!


  1. It is not a medical term but heal good!

  2. Dearest Elizabeth! THANK YOU for linking with us! First and foremost, get healed! I still wonder how this happened to you! I am so glad that your condition can be treated with drops and not lasers or other instruments!

    Many thanks for the beautiful mention, and be well. Anita

  3. Oh no, dear Elizabeth. How uncomfortable for you. You need your eyes, look after yourself and come back when you can. I am off to France next week so will be contributing later.
    Hope you are fighting fit soon.
    Much Love

  4. PS Tar wants you to know that using the platter
    works surprisingly well to contain about 90% of
    the water slurpage.
    Now I need a new turkey platter....

  5. OUCH! So sorry to hear you have a boo boo in your eyeball! Close you eyes and relax and daydream of all the future characters you will draw! Hope you're feeling better soon! {{hugs}}

  6. Oh, poor your! Too much work? I hope your eyes get better and wetter soon! : )

  7. Yikes! That sounds like no fun at all! feel better soon...the blogosphere needs you...and your eyes!

  8. Lizzie, take good care. Please. Keep your eyes closed and hydrated as much as possible. My husband had a lesion on his cornea when we first moved to this dry climate and he had a patch over his eyes for three days minimum to facilitate healing.

    Stop reading this until you're better!

  9. Oh man, eye injuries are noting to take lightly. So glad to hear that you're on the mend! Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to check out Castles, Crowns, and Cottages...

  10. I hope your eyes get better! Thank you for linking with us, so kind of you!

  11. Oh, gosh! I hope your eye feels much better soon!!!

  12. I do hope you are better and I hope you were able to visit some of the guests at the party. I loved participating and am almost finished with visiting each guest. Oh, the places I have seen!

  13. Thanks for all the good wishes re: my ailing eyeball :) Fortunately, it's feeling/behaving much better! Going to the doc tomorrow for a follow-up, and hopefully then can catch up on all of your posts! Meanwhile, I hope you are enjoying everyone's French adventures ;)

  14. Pleased to meet you via Anita's party, Elizabeth. How kind of you to post a little note explaining. Hope all went well with your follow-up.

  15. Bonjour Elizabeth,

    Lovely to discover your blog and do hope that you are feeling better now.
    Have enjoyed visiting all the guests at Anita's party and has been fun getting to know new friends.
    I love all your very sweet little pigs, so cute.

    Happy weekend

  16. Ouch! I hope you are feeling better. That doesn't sound fun at all. I am on the tour of the party. So sweet of you to still give Anita a shout out.


  17. Oh, I hope things are healing up! That sound really worrying!


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