May 8, 2013


"Tribute" (to the founder of Illustration Friday)
The best tribute I can think of to Penelope Dullaghan, who is stepping down from IF to pursue her own illustration career, is to highlight someone who is perhaps my very first "blog friend"--thanks to Illustration Friday. When I started up my blog a few years ago, a whopping three people left comments on my first post. Sarah Melling was one of them, and I'm fairly certain she was my very first "follower."  Here's the image I posted:
The topic was "Swarm"
copyright, 2011, Elizabeth Rose Stanton
I had been to Sarah's blog, so I was thrilled that someone of her talent was now following my blog!
Ever since, I have been an ardent follower of Sarah's. She is a master of colored pencil technique ... you can be sure my scientific illustrator brain lights up big-time whenever I see her work!
Here's a little teaser from her post this week:
Copyright, 2013 Sarah Melling
(so be sure to head on over to Sarah's blog to see more of her exquisite drawings, and the rest of her tribute featuring this gorgeous fuchsia).
To sum it up ...
the following is what Sarah wrote about her Illustration Friday experience under Ms. Dullaghan's watch. I quote Sarah because she says it so much better than I ever could ...

From Sarah Melling Pencils and Paper:
 "One of the reasons that I started blogging a few years ago was so that I could participate in Illustration Friday. For a long time, I was a very consistent contributor—I rarely missed a week! Early on, one of my drawings was even selected to be IF's "Pick of the Week" which gave me lots of exposure and encouragement. But most importantly, I got to know many fellow artists that also participated  in IF regularly. (Once I realized that if I commented on a drawing, that person often commented back, the communication floodgates were opened!) I consider a number of these people to be friends: I still visit their blogs regularly, chat with some on Facebook, and a few of us even check up on one another when we haven't posted in a while. For these reasons, I send my heartfelt thanks to Penelope for her devotion to this website that gave rise to such a wonderful supportive community."

That about sums it up. So thanks, Sarah!  Here's to you, Penelope, and all my talented blog buddies-- past, present and future!  :)


  1. Gosh, what a sweet post...I'm honored and humbled. You've just beautifully illustrated (no pun intended) how warm and supportive the IF community is. I'm truly thankful for my blog buddies!

  2. This is a very sweet and lovely post, Lizzie. Those illustrations are exquisite.

    1. They certainly are. I'm glad you enjoyed the post. (I always light up at the sight of you, dear blog friend, Suze.) xo

  3. Holy shoot...I never knew that IF existed. Excuse me while I jam on over there right now!

  4. Beautiful tribute!! LOOK how far you've come -
    Love your first IF contribution!! Made me chuckle!

  5. lovely tribute. I was so excited finding IF and at the start (must be 3 years ago now)somehow managed to contribute every week! I very clearly remember finding your work Elizabeth because it stood out from the others with such a quirky, slightly left of centre, take on the ideas and so beautifully executed. Have followed you ever since (you are a far more dedicated blogger than I could be) as your blog is fabulous!

    1. I could have written this very same comment about you, Catherine. I adore your work!

  6. Nice tribute Liz...Well I'd like to add that its been a good place Illustration Friday...for two things... 1) to kick my arse into gear and draw something for fun each week. 2) To have met people like you ERS...which wouldn't probably have happened otherwise.

    1. 1. I love your quirky, funny characters, Mr.MacGregor. 2. Right back atcha!

  7. Isn't it wonderful to make CONNECTIONS through blogging so that we eventually find our own harmony? Wonderful tribute dearest Elizabeth, and like always, your art is a masterpiece of vision and beauty. Anita

    1. Thank you, dear Anita! Your blog is a sanctuary of harmony!

  8. every so often i stumble upon amazing artists, thank you so much for sharing your gift.

  9. Lovely! And what a good idea for the word.

  10. Terrific tribute! I've often encouraged artists I meet online to participate in Illustration Friday. It's the community just as much as the topic and the deadline. You've summed it up perfectly in your post and your tribute!

    1. Thanks, Cindy. I know we connected through IF, too -- and I continue to delight in your whimsical, colorful characters!

  11. Here, here! That was an EXCELLENT tribute! I feel exactly the same way as Sarah, but she said it way better. :)

    1. Yes, Sarah said it best (which is why I borrowed her quote :)) Thanks, Bella!

  12. A lovely tribute both to all concerned and another wonderful artist to discover and appreciate. Your wonderful work is already very much appreciated, Elizabeth. I just love the look on your lady's face, trying to stay calm.


    1. Thanks! To discover and appreciate--yes!--this is the wonder and fun of blogging. I'm always so glad when you stop by, Annie :)

  13. Great post! I have had the same experiences as both you & Sarah - it's how MY blog began, & what keeps me coming back to it! So thank you to Penelope, & kudos to you!!!

  14. I also appreciate the art connections I've made through IF. Like you! I participated every week for at least two years. And it was so fun to get the pick of the week once during that time. Plus a mini interview. I haven't been posting of late. Because I'm not getting much blog traffic from it anymore. But I'm not giving up on it. I'll still pick some themes to post with.

    1. I hope you keep on with it, Sharon. I, too, have been missing some weeks here and there. So glad we connected, too :) :)

  15. Right back atcha, uber blog friend, Robin :)

  16. Beautiful way to answer this week's IF. I did not know the history, so it was enlightening. I have only been blogging for a year. Jennifer Mann introduced me to blogger and IF, then I met supportive people like yourself...

  17. Sarah's work is amazing indeed! And I love your tribute here. Thanks for visiting my blog every now and then. i really appreciate your comments and you being a blog buddy!


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