December 9, 2011

Some More Round Things

The IF topic for this week is "Separated."  While I'm thinking, I thought I'd post another round of round things.
 (To see the first round: )

 I have to say that, so far, it's been my favorite topic--just makes me go round and round :)


  1. Your a funny chook... Love the range of round things. Have a great weekend. :)

  2. Hello Elizabeth:
    Circles and spirals and wheels within wheels, what a merry go round of ideas you have whirling in your head right now. Is it ever thus?!!!

  3. Nice! This reminds me of Gorey's series of little sketches called "weapons" of which my favorite is the inexplicable confetti.

  4. The Golden Spiral - round and round and round - one of my favorite mathy/science things to do with kids because it's magic!

  5. Lizzie, I love the new graphic-- the scaled sprite haloed in stars. She's beautiful.

    (I also very much like the pen, (top view: click-kind.))

  6. Yes, Jupiter is round, but this is not to scale, right? This is a good display of round, except; How would one put a wrench to that round nut and tighten it?

    You have me laughing. I'm thinking how funny it would be if everyone on IF just stuck with their favorite word, week after week. Why not?

  7. To Ted: duly noted and corrected!
    (I obviously do NOT know my nuts and bolts, but I am fortunate to have handy, observant blog buddies such as yourself--so I thank you for keeping me technically on-point :) As for the scale issue--I would love to see giant Cheerios orbiting Jupiter or, for that matter, little Jupiters in my cereal bowl.

  8. The Bugle one is my favorite. And makes me want Bugles.

  9. If I stand on my head and squint my eyes, they all look the same as they do when I'm right side up...amazing!

  10. Once I find an Illustration Friday word I really like, I'm going to just keep doing it. I think that would be funny. If anyone complains I will just direct them to the source of my inspiration: You.
    ha hah hee heeeee.

  11. I love this! What a good reminder - it's just there - it's all in how we see it and we can see it in so many different ways. (Rats! My words are falling short but, since you're the one who seems to have the handle on the concept, I'm sure you know what I'm getting at.;)) Thanks for the break of being in the box. It's nice to get out every once in a while! =]

    Love, Me (hee)

  12. I love these round things! You have the best imagination ever - love to scroll through your blog again - I know, I haven't visited lately -sorry!


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