August 28, 2013

"You Gotta Love the Weird"

Henny 2014: Its Never Too Early to Get Excited

I'm so pleased to report that HENNY just got a shout-out from the New York Public Library's 

Henny is clapping her little hands in delight!

Here's what Ms. Bird wrote about the bird in question ;) --

"HENNY by Elizabeth Rose Stanton . . .
because sometimes you gotta love the weird. Weird is easy to write but hard to do well. This book is about a chicken with human arms. To those of you who are instantly interested, this one’s for you. It is done exceedingly well."

This hopefully bodes well for the future of our fine feathered-and-armed (in a good way) friend! Be sure to click the Fuse #8 link to see some of the other really fun-looking 2014 books Betsy highlighted :)

And here's a gentle reminder-- to get your very own copy of HENNY, you can order** from: amazon, Barnes and Noble and, best of all, your own independent bookstore*.

*If you would like a signed copy, I will post the direct link as soon as the order function is up-and-running at The Secret Garden Bookshop here in Seattle.  Stay tuned!  :)

**Remember, pre-orders count!  (Click HERE to find out why).

Henny and I thank you from the bottom of our hearts! xxoo


  1. Good for Henny! But did she expect anything else?!

    1. Wellllll . . . being a little on the weird side, she really wasn't sure ;)

  2. Congratulations!
    Of course I will order the book - loving children books AND your drawings. My question: I can get it in about 2 - 3 weeks time via Amazon in Germany (hardcover - I don't want the kindle version). Of course I would like to buy a signed version of The Secret Garden Bookshop - do you know whether they send overseas (the time it takes is unimportant) - or will that be too inconvenient? (Then I'll order at Amazon).

    1. Britta- I will find out sending details from Secret Garden Books, and get back to you (hopefully it won't be too expensive). Otherwise, I'm sure we can figure something else out. There's still plenty of time :) Thank you so much!!

    2. Thank you! You can also write to me on Facebook, and anyhow we'll find a way (and please: you will have a lot of other things to do - so take your time. There is always

  3. GO HENNY!!!!!!!
    (Oh, and ps - congratulations to you too, Elizabeth!!!!)

  4. That is terrific! Many congratulations to you both!

  5. Congradulations, O Creator of Weird! :)
    Kathryn xx

  6. I thought I had somehow missed the boat on this, but after a quick look at my Amazon order status I see that I'm still on record as having ordered Henny on June 23. WooHoo! Can't wait for its release and eventual signature! :-)

    1. ...and signature you shall have! Thank you so much, Mr. Turnip :)

  7. All this time I've thought your art had the air of metaphor about it and only now do I realize Henny has human arms. (Or, human arms have a Henny body.) Wonderful thing this is. Congrats!

    1. Hahaha! Yes! A human with a chicken body. I LIKE the way you think, Tom! Thanks :)

  8. Good thing she's got hands to clap! :D

    1. She was clapping pretty happily at this one, too! Thanks, R.!

  9. Oh congratulations! And wonderful what she wrote about Henny. Hip Hip hurray to the both of you!

  10. "Weird" is what makes the ordinary into art, art into LIFE and LIFE more interesting and amusing. I LOVE HENNY and I LOVE the angles and turns and surprises that you give Elizabeth...BRAVO TO YOU! How tickled I am for YOU! Anita

    1. Anita! You always know how to say it, just right. Thank you so much! xo

  11. Replies
    1. ...and we most certainly are looking forward your having it, too. Thanks SO much, Midori!

  12. This is great news for the both of you! Congratulations:)xx

  13. Wooohooo!!!! Congratulations Liz!!!!!! and Miss Henny of course!!! You're both stars!!!

    1. You are too kind, Mr. MacGregor! Henny and I are loving all those exclamations!!!

  14. It's true, you and Henny inspire us all. High-five Henny!

  15. teeeheee.....I so love Miss Henny. She is a chicken of distinction and pluck!!!!!!!

    Oh Elizabeth, how kind of you to come visit! And I had something to do with your latest French obsession? YOUPI! (Yippee in French!) Well let me tell you, the French pen and ink artists are among my favorites. You are familiar with Jean-Jacques Sempé, the illustrator of Le Petit Nicholas? Just simple pen and ink. It almost seems that every young French student I ever meet knows how to draw as well to some fabulous degree, for they are taught early to explore the arts. Oh how fun it is to at least explore LIFE a little more than the usual!

    May you and Henny have a new adventure as the leaves fall and give us something to muse about! Anita

    1. Henny is so happy you are such a fan, Anita! I think she is a French Hen ;)
      Thank you for all the inspiration and good wishes!

  16. Whhoooo Hooo Henny!!!I LOVE the wierd!! Congratulations Elizabeth!!!

    1. Claire! Re: weird-- I knew you would ;) :) Thanks so much!

  17. Ha! I love what she wrote about it! I think everything up to this point has boded well (boded. Is that a word?) for sublimely weird Henny. This post makes me so happy, L. :) :)

    1. Suzzzzeee-- Your reference to Miss Henny as "sublimely weird" has made ME very happy! Thank you, and BWWAAAK!

    2. Today, little one channeled her inner Henny and bwaaaked in class. (It was situationally appropriate. I shall have to tell you the whole story at some point. :))

  18. That's awesome. I bet you are elated!

  19. Yay! This is great news, Elizabeth. I will get a copy at our local store, Kidsbooks. Then next time I see you at the SCBWI WW conference, I'll bring it for signing.

  20. I wonder how long it will take before Henny will show up in the Netherlands.
    She will love the Netherlands, at least, the vegan and vegetarian parts of it.

    1. I certainly hope she does, and I will certainly let you know! Thanks!


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