October 10, 2013

Show Time!

Today is the first day of the Society of Children's Book Writer and Illustrators of Western Washington Illustrator Exhibit (how's that for a mouthful?).   It's a juried exhibit featuring illustrations by some of our local Northwest talent.  Henny is making an appearance so, if you're in the area, come on down to the Washington State Convention Center and take a gander at her and all the other wonderful art!
For those of you elsewhere, here's the poster for the show--drawn by fab artist Jessixa Bagley and art directed by the amazing (and my fellow crit group buddy) Kevan Atteberry:

Poster art by Jessixa Bagley. Layout by Kevan Atteberry

Here's a peek at the spread from HENNY.  
I forgot to snap a pic of her all purdy-like in the frame, but you get the idea:  
from HENNY (Simon and Schuster/Paula Wiseman Books)
written and illustrated by Elizabeth Rose Stanton


  1. Would that I could zip-zap myself over the pass and back... :-)

    1. Well, maybe between now and January 8 you CAN do some zip-zapping! :-)

  2. ELIZABETH!!!!!!!! You are now an official illustrator! You are in, you've got your foot in the door and Henny has her claws in the door too! What fun and many hugs to you for your success! Thank you as well for your visit today! Anita

    1. Thank you, Anita. It's certainly all keeping me quite busy. I've got a little piggy who's got his foot in the door, too. More on that, soon :) PS I ALWAYS love visiting your blog.

  3. Little one happened to pop over to ask for help with her math homework just as I loaded this page. First thing out of her mouth: Henny's cute. :)

    1. Ahh-- cute recognizes cute :) I hope she'll come let me introduce HENNY to her in person. Right now, her launch is scheduled for 1/7/14 at the Secret Garden Bookshop in Ballard. I will keep you posted! xo

  4. Replies
    1. I can always count on you for a good whoop and holler, Robin! Thank you!

  5. Henny has left the nest and is perched for stardom!

  6. That's terrific, congratulations! Those images of Henny sleeping (and daydreaming) are so adorable!

    1. Henny and I thank you, Cindy. She is a pretty cute chick ;)

  7. Wow, congratulations! Henny looks all set to shine!

    1. She's definitely ready to do her thing. January 7th is her big (book release) day!

  8. good luck, Henny! (and you too, Elizabeth), and have fun :-)

  9. Gosh darn it, all these shows are so far away, but good luck to you.

    You and Henny are doing so great. You're so popular. You're like... head cheerleader popular.

    1. Wow! Nothing like being in HS again. I think I'd rather be a chicken ;)
      Thanks for stopping by, TB!

  10. I like your drawings so much! Wish you lots and lots of success!

  11. That's awesome! Good luck at the exhibit! I know that Henny's going to knock 'em dead. How can she not, with her chicken wiles and kickin' neckerchief?

    1. I'm glad you like and noticed her neckerchief! It was bestowed on her by Mr. Farmer (ahhh-- the plot thickens). I certainly hope she does knock 'em dead-- after-all, she IS armed ;) :) When the time comes, I want a review by Tyler. It will make a great blog post! Thanks, E.!

  12. Love the pic from Henny:) Hope you had a great time at the exhibit:)

  13. Henny cracks me up. (And I love the monster in the tutu, by the way. Very much in line with my own thinking!)


  14. Great pictures! And good luck with the exhibition!

  15. Congratulations Elizabeth. I have always loved Henny!!!!! lots & lots of luck for your book release day. Looking forward to seeing many more of your amazing characters make it into the limelight :)

  16. How wonderful that you and Henny were able to attend and be featured, I'm sure you both had a blast...congratulations! So sorry I missed it, will have to make going a top priority next year.
    xo J~


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